The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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3 Tips to Bust Through Writer’s Block and Create Magnetic Headlines That Rock

How to Cure Writer's Block

It’s a writer’s and business owner’s worst fear.

You’ve just written an awesome piece of content. You know this is it!  People are going to love what you wrote.

Now, just one last step. You’re searching for the perfect words to create the headline that will draw readers in like bees to honey.

Yet instead, you’re stuck with the dreaded blank screen.

That blinking cursor of doom is flittering at you – like an impatient tapping finger on the table….words… must…come…out.

But nothing’s happening.

Recently, I talked about 5 simple ways to get more people to read your emails.  It broke down different strategies to use in order to create a perfect headline.

But what if you feel stuck with generating your headline?

This article shows you how to get unstuck when you’re having writer’s block, so you can create that perfect, magnetic headline.

By the way, when I’m talking about a HEADLINE, I mean the title of an email, teleseminar, speaking engagement, or a book you send to your list.

It’s the first piece of text that people see to attract them to what you’re offering. So it matters a lot!

Are you ready? Below are three strategies you can use to overcome even the most perilous case of writer’s block.

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How I got my first client

I want to tell you a story of how I got my first client before I even had a business.

It was April 15th, 2002.  I was in the middle of taking the year off after leaving the music industry.  I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my life.  It was an exciting, freeing and at the same time scary part of my life.

One thing I loved to do was exploring San Francisco.  I was always on the lookout for new things to do, explore and learn.  Craigslist turned out to be a great tool to help me with such discoveries.

So that fateful day, I was looking through Craigslist and see a posting from a guy who was looking to trade personal coaching.  I had an inkling that I may be good at it, but I had no idea.  And since I had nothing to lose, I decided to contact him.

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Why Networking is a waste of time

I rarely see networking work really well.

It’s true, the majority of business owners I speak to either
network sporadically (“pitch and run”) or they spend a lot
of time networking…  and …


They rarely get many clients through their networking

I see you investing your time and effort into networking
that doesn’t result in new clients and worse yet, it results
in you losing faith that networking can work for you.

Networking doesn’t work unless you follow certain basic
principles of enrollment:

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The Secret Sauce for attracting your ideal clients

Girl with Glasses

People often ask me, what’s the “secret sauce” behind being consistently successful at attracting wildly motivated clients and raving fans?

So I wanted to share with you a very important business skill for you to develop, one that I think is often overlooked.

Here it is…

Learn to see all of your interactions with your clients through the lens your clients are looking through (not your own).

Can you imagine knowing exactly how your ideal clients are going to react to everything you do in your business?

  • You would know what to say and what not to say
  • You would know which of your offerings will be a hit and which ones won’t
  • You would know how to engage your audience rather than
    bore them to death
  • You would know exactly what they want and be able to
    simply provide that for them

And yes, your ability to serve your audience and your ability to generate the income you desire would skyrocket.

You knowing how your potential clients are going to feel and what they will think as a reaction to all your outreach is a huge asset and it’s also a skill. And it is absolutely a skill that you can develop. All it takes is a desire for it, knowing where to start and a whole lot of practice.

Here’s what you can do to develop this skill:

1. Commit to asking yourself the following question:
How will my ideal client react, how will they feel and what will they think in reaction to what I am about to do right now?

This is the essence of marketing. Ultimately it’s a commitment to being of service, knowing that you will be that much more of service when you understand your ideal clients.

And asking these questions can be a huge eye-opener:

How will this email land? How will my ideal client respond to this particular word? What will they think when I offer them my premium service package? How will they feel when they watch my webinar?

And what I am talking about is getting as intimate with your tribe as you do with your lover. When you know your partner, you know how they are going to react to everything you do. It might not be conscious, but you know.

Being able to intimately and consciously know your tribe is one of your biggest business assets. Invest in it freely.

2. Do whatever you can to experience the world through their lens.

Here are a couple of exercises that can help with this:

a.) Ask a friend or a colleague to interview you as if you were an ideal client for your business. Your friend would be asking you all kinds of questions to get to know you, what you want, what keeps you up at night, what you like and what you don’t like as it pertains to your area of expertise and to marketing.

b.) Interview a few of your clients and ask them the same questions. Ask them about what they like about you and your service. Ask them about your marketing. Ask them to read one of your newsletters and ask them to be brutally honest. Provide an extremely safe environment for them to tell you exactly what they think and feel about EVERYTHING you do. This will be extremely valuable. I’ve done this on many occasions and I have learned a ton (even if I was uncomfortable hearing the criticism).

c.) Create a collage using magazine cutouts of your ideal client’s world – what they like, what car they drive, what clothes they wear, what books they read, etc….

This will allow you to look at the world through their lens and will help you to be a more effective marketer and more impactful with your clients, too.

3. Learn to measure and monitor your ideal client’s reaction to everything you do.

This is an important and very courageous act. It’s not easy to always be tuning in to the experience of your audience. For example, when you send out an email and no one responds, notice that. Be loving to yourself and avoid getting down on yourself. But notice that you did something (sent an email) and you got a particular reaction. Ask yourself questions like, “What did not resonate with my ideal client? What could I have done differently to get better results?” Conversely, when something works and you get a good response, notice what worked and do it again…and again…and again.

You can do the same in a consultation with a potential client. Notice when you lose the connection to them. Notice when they begin to shut down. Notice when they light up. Notice what reaction they have to what you say and also to how you listen.

Notice and adjust with no judgment and without making yourself or your potential client wrong.

When you are able to create this kind of empathic relationship with your ideal client by looking at the world through their lens, your marketing will be highly effective, you will love how it feels in your business and your clients will be raving fans spreading the gospel of YOU.

And isn’t that what we all want?

Stop Offering Free Consultations

If you are offering free consultations (or discovery sessions or strategy sessions), and you’re not seeing 80% of your potential clients sign up with an enthusiastic YES, then I want to show you how to turn that around in this report. When you discover how to have conversations with potential clients so that they practically enroll themselves into working with you (if it’s a good match)  and they feel great about the enrollment process, then you’ll find it easy to attract as many clients as you want.

Free Download – YES: A Revolutionary Approach to Conversations That Sell And Transform

Your turn!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and more importantly, what you plan to do with what you’ve just read. Please leave a comment below and let me know.  I can’t wait to read through every single one of them. 


Mosquitos, Malaria and What May Be Stopping You From Getting Clients

I really love deconstructing the psychology of why service-based business owners get hired.

So what needs to be in place for someone to even begin contemplating hiring you?

I can boil it down to just 2 words


What I mean by this is that something in your potential client’s business or life needs to be enough of problem that they want it to be different NOW. Or perhaps they want something bad enough that they are willing to do something about it NOW.

  • I like my shoes; and the heel broke off. I want that situation to change, so I go to a cobbler to get that fixed.
  • I don’t like how I look in the mirror because I put on 15 pounds, so I go to a weight loss coach or a trainer because I want my appearance to change.
  • I am sad and depressed and I feel so lost in my life. So I go to a therapist or a life purpose coach to help me with that.

Without a current urgent need, your potential clients will continue to be potential clients unless their problem becomes acute enough for them to want to do something about it.

There has to be a problem NOW.

I’ll give you an example. In Africa, malaria kills hundreds of thousands of children every year. It turns out that $6 bed nets, which prevent mosquitoes from biting kids while they sleep, is a great preventative measure. Yet, unless these bed nets are given out for free, they tend to not sell at all. On the other hand, once the child gets malaria, paren’ts do everything possible to obtain medicine to save their child’s life.

Why would an African paren’t not buy a $6 bed when that action could very well save their child’s life?

It is not because they don’t care about their child – because they ARE willing to invest hundreds of dollars on medicine once their child gets malaria.

Prevention is simply not enough of a motivator for someone to invest. There simply isn’t yet an urgent problem.

Here are just a few of the reasons why you will not get hired unless your potential client has a current urgent need:

  • There’s not enough motivation for someone to even learn about something that is not yet an urgent problem; so people aren’t even in the position to seek out help.
  • Taking action in order for something not to happen is not enough of motivator. You sleep under a bed net and you don’t get malaria. You eat right and you don’t get sick. You get liability insurance so that you can keep your money when you get sued.
  • It’s easy to procrastinate when the need is not current. Yes, your service may sound interesting to your potential client, but unless there is a current need it’s just too easy to say “I will take care of it later.”

So the moral of this story – make sure you have identified an urgent problem that you are solving with your services, your packages and your products. And make sure to identify the result which people with that problem are really seeking. This is really the basis of your business. It is the shingle on your virtual store. Without this, success may be a bit elusive.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment below…

Can You Guess My #1 Marketing Strategy in Business Coaching?

You probably already know that I have a passion for sharing my most effective business-building strategies with you. But there’s one thing I’ve never taught until now.

It’s my #1 marketing strategy, which can help you consistently attract clients and radically increase the amount of impact and community you create in your business.

Can you guess what it is?

OK, the answer is… it’s building a sizeable list of potential clients that you can consistently communicate with and offer your content and services to.

Because having a list is the easiest way for you to reach your tribe, build relationships and credibility, and attract new clients.

I’d like to tell you a story…

When I first started out 9 years ago as a coach, I had no one on my email newsletter list. It was a struggle to go out and get clients. And every month, it felt like I was starting over again, I had no marketing momentum built up in my business.

A marketing mentor gave me a good piece of advice, “Why don’t you start a newsletter?”

So I did.

I decided to start a simple newsletter, and I tried everything I could to add people to my list. Gradually, my list grew from zero to 2,000 people.
Amazingly, something magical happened when my newsletter list got past the 2,000 people mark.

On a regular basis, people would email me asking about my services, asking for a consultation – and then hiring me!

This was completely unsolicited! These were people who subscribed to my newsletter and enjoyed the free content I was sharing. I was on cloud 9.

Can you imagine this? Every time you send out an email, it generates excitement and new business with your audience.

Once I had grown my list to 2,000 people, I set an intention to double it. But things went much better than I had planned.

In the past 2 years, I’ve been able to grow my list from 2,000 to 18,000 amazing people that I’m totally psyched to be in communication with!

The opportunities that a list this size have created for me are huge:

  • Last year I filled 4 group coaching programs, coaching 570 people to greater heights in their businesses!
  • I used to be excited to get 50 people on a teleseminar – now 1,000 to 2,000 people sign up for telecalls to receive my training content.

Why am I sharing my story with you? Because I know the power that list building has to transform your business (like it did with mine), and I want you to benefit from it too.

My intention is to double the size of my list again in the next 12 months to 36,000 people.
Would you like to join me on this journey?