The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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Archives for May 2011

Can thinking big be bad for you?

I know I often encourage my tribe to think big, but can thinking big actually hurt your chances for success?

A couple of weeks ago on the Fireside Chat Call I hosted to speak to potential applicants of the Big Shift Coaching program, I was once again encouraging the participants on the call to Think Big.

And then I spoke to someone who was unsure whether that was possible for her. I continued to encourage her that it was. And then she started talking about her business, her offering and her business direction.

And my heart sank…

Here I was encouraging her to Think Big and yet I know that unless she changed her whole approach to her business – unless she was ready to change her marketing message, her offerings, her marketing strategies and her entire business model, thinking big could actually hurt.

Here’s why – without the proper foundation, thinking and dreaming CAN actually be hurting your chances for success by creating unrealistic expectations and in some instances “delusions of grandeur.”

I have been creating my own universe, my own rules and my own community for years now. So I have forgotten that people outside of my world may not have the business structures in place and the know-how to reach their big dream, with a community to support them and a guide to lead the way when they are lost.

So when is thinking big a good thing?

Can you see how when you dream big, that knowing WHAT TO DO to create that dream and then getting into IMPERFECT ACTION to create that dream, and all the while working through YOUR OWN BLOCKS!

Can you see how when you do that you can achieve the impossible?

Thinking Big may not be what you think

For me, thinking big is a multi-million dollar business that impacts tens of thousands of business owners to create prosperity while doing what they love.

For one of my clients, it’s a great life-style business where she gets to impact deeply a small number of clients and be able to take off 3 months every year.

For you, it may be a small six-figure business where every minute of the day is spent doing what you love and you delegate EVERYTHING you don’t want to do.

So now that I am Thinking Big, what’s next?

All it takes is one step. All it takes is one step in THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

And often, it means a giant leap of faith! Because taking that one step is a big deal if you’re not sure if your dream is possible.

When you can dream big and create the vision of your ideal business and your ideal lifestyle, it still takes the know-how to determine which steps to take EACH day to move you in the direction of your dream.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Determine what your vision of thinking big for your business looks like!
  • What is my business strategy to get there? (Remember a step in the wrong direction will not get you to where you want to go unless you course correct)
  • What action can I take TODAY that will move me towards my vision in the fastest and most effective possible way?
  • Repeat daily!

I want to share my gratitude.

I am grateful that you are in my community. You’re here because you have a gift, a skill or some amazing knowledge and you want to be able to make a difference in people’s lives using those gifts. You are here because you know you’re destined for more and it is my mission to move you closer to your business destiny – your full potential. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love.

Here’s to thinking big on your own terms.

And I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

A favorite mindset technique for you

I love working with empowering mindsets that help people take big leaps in their business (and in their personal growth).

I want to share with you one of my favorite mindsets. (Or you can think of it as a mindset shift).

This is about how to make a commitment to something in your business.
Let’s say you want to launch a new program, or go out and get 5 new clients.

How do you do this?

You make a DECISION.

Wow. That word just oozes power.

I’ve read that the word “decide” comes from the Latin word decision, which means “to cut off”.

Truly making the commitment is basically deciding to cut off any other possibility. There is no back door.

Take a look at a place in your business where you’re struggling. Have you made a real decision to having it resolved? Are you really committed enough to do what it takes?

If you haven’t, you have basically made an unconscious decision to continue to struggle.

So if you’re struggling to take a big step forward in your business, it means you’re wavering or uncommitted about something important.

There may be an opportunity for you to make a decision to make a powerful commitment to something and to not look back. Or to decide to release a belief about yourself that is holding you back and that feels good to let go.

This feels edgy to me, but I’ve made a decision to speak my truth and to share it.

Can You Guess My #1 Marketing Strategy in Business Coaching?

You probably already know that I have a passion for sharing my most effective business-building strategies with you. But there’s one thing I’ve never taught until now.

It’s my #1 marketing strategy, which can help you consistently attract clients and radically increase the amount of impact and community you create in your business.

Can you guess what it is?

OK, the answer is… it’s building a sizeable list of potential clients that you can consistently communicate with and offer your content and services to.

Because having a list is the easiest way for you to reach your tribe, build relationships and credibility, and attract new clients.

I’d like to tell you a story…

When I first started out 9 years ago as a coach, I had no one on my email newsletter list. It was a struggle to go out and get clients. And every month, it felt like I was starting over again, I had no marketing momentum built up in my business.

A marketing mentor gave me a good piece of advice, “Why don’t you start a newsletter?”

So I did.

I decided to start a simple newsletter, and I tried everything I could to add people to my list. Gradually, my list grew from zero to 2,000 people.
Amazingly, something magical happened when my newsletter list got past the 2,000 people mark.

On a regular basis, people would email me asking about my services, asking for a consultation – and then hiring me!

This was completely unsolicited! These were people who subscribed to my newsletter and enjoyed the free content I was sharing. I was on cloud 9.

Can you imagine this? Every time you send out an email, it generates excitement and new business with your audience.

Once I had grown my list to 2,000 people, I set an intention to double it. But things went much better than I had planned.

In the past 2 years, I’ve been able to grow my list from 2,000 to 18,000 amazing people that I’m totally psyched to be in communication with!

The opportunities that a list this size have created for me are huge:

  • Last year I filled 4 group coaching programs, coaching 570 people to greater heights in their businesses!
  • I used to be excited to get 50 people on a teleseminar – now 1,000 to 2,000 people sign up for telecalls to receive my training content.

Why am I sharing my story with you? Because I know the power that list building has to transform your business (like it did with mine), and I want you to benefit from it too.

My intention is to double the size of my list again in the next 12 months to 36,000 people.
Would you like to join me on this journey?

5 Critical Mistakes That May Be Stopping You From Growing Your List

Are you focusing on list building in your business? (By list building, I mean creating an email list of people in your niche who are interested in the type of work you do.)

If not, then you’re missing out the most powerful marketing strategy I know for attracting potential clients… and you may be limiting your business and probably not making the kind of impact on the world you want to be making.

In fact, I would maintain that there is NOTHING more important to your long term business success than building a list, being of service to them, and enrolling them as long-term, happy clients when the timing is right for them.

Are you ready for a major mindset shift or breakthrough related to your list building?

I think it’s important to look at what’s getting in the way of your list building efforts.
So I’m going to share some of my thoughts right here in this email on how to overcome your biggest obstacles to list building.

5 Critical Mistakes That May Be Stopping You From Growing Your List

MISTAKE #1: You’re misunderstanding the purpose of your website

Most people spend a huge amount time working on the wrong part of their website. I hear people spending hours working on the “About Us” page, etc.

Here’s the thing: most people who visit your website aren’t going to make a purchase during their first visit.

In fact, did you know that 99% of the people who visit your website never come back again?
I want you to take away with you this critical concept: the number one goal of your website is to add people to your list.

Here’s why: if someone visits your site this week, but they are not yet ready to hire you that day, chances are you’ll never see them again.

Would you like to stay connected with the people who visit your website and build a long-term relationship with them?

If so, when you add web visitors to your list, you can offer your services and share your free resources with them – over and over again.

MISTAKE #2: You don’t have an “irresistible” free gift on your website

Just offering your newsletter on your website is not irresistible. Very few people who visit your website are there to get a newsletter.

What people visiting your website want is an immediately solution to their problem.

So when you offer them a free gift on your website (like a valuable ebook), that helps them solve an urgent problem, you’ll have a much better chance of receiving their name and email address. And your newsletter is a valuable bonus that complements the free gift.

Just make sure you include at least 3 “irresistibility factors” to make your free gift irresistible!

MISTAKE #3: You’re not collaborating with strategic alliance partners

I’ve used diverse strategies over the years to build my list, and I’ve found that working with partners can be one of the best methods.

The key is to find partners who reach the same audience that you want to reach, and approach them about creating a mutually beneficial collaboration, one where you can each promote each other to your respective lists.

When you’re starting out, and you don’t have a big list yourself, your partners will naturally be people with smaller lists. This is a great way to start. And when your list starts to take off, partners with larger lists will be a natural next step.

MISTAKE #4: You’re using Social Media the wrong way

Social Media is so new (and constantly changing) that most business owners aren’t sure how to use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in a way that grows your business.

Does it feel like Social Media is a bright shiny object that sucks up a lot of your time?

Let me tell you one of my secrets.

The #1 way to use Social Media most effectively is to bring people from your target audience over to your newsletter list.

MISTAKE #5: Not incorporating List Building into *everything* you do in your business

One of my business mantras is “always be list building”.

Are you building your list every time you’re networking? When you’re giving a speaking engagement or teleseminar? When you hand someone your business card or send out an email?

If not, you’re missing out on numerous opportunities to build your list.
By maximizing your existing opportunities, you could easily add 1,000 people or more to your list each year.

I cannot stress enough how important list building is and how much potential it has to grow your business. Whenever you would like a new client – you can offer an initial consultation or program to your list – it’s that simple.