The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

Ten percent

“To be like me is very simple,” said the richest man in Babylonia. “All you have to understand is that a tenth of what you earn is yours.”

“That makes no sense,” answered the young man. “All that I earn is mine.”

“Don’t you pay the tailor? Don’t you pay the baker every day? You can’t live even for a day without spending. You pay everybody except yourself. From now on, pay yourself a tenth of your salary. Don’t forget that the paths of wealth are magical and strange; if you take good care of that tenth, one day it will reward all your efforts.” — by Paulo Coelho


It was true in Babylonian times and it is true today:

  • Remember to pay yourself first.
  • Remember to save 10%.

Come Alive

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman

This is a good reminder to move towards what energizes us in our business. The rest will follow!

Prosperity Declaration

I would like to urge you to do a quick 2 to 3 minute experiment. This is an invitation to create a simple declaration of how you want your business to be.

Here is my personal example:

“I, Bill Baren, solemnly publish and declare that I shall build a Entrepreneur Prosperity Program that generates a profit of over $150,000 per year and moves hundreds of businesses and entrepreneurs towards more money, more time and more energy. I declare that I shall do whatever it takes to make this happen and will give myself all the support I need to make it happen.”

This exercise only takes a few minutes, but it can create a lot of energy you need to take our business to the next level. Declare this with certainty and share this declaration with as many people as possible. I invite you to do this today.

I want to thank Christian Michelson for this idea. This is what he wrote:

“If the colonial rebels who wrote the “Declaration of Independence”, didn’t send it to anyone, it would NOT have had any effect. By sharing it with the King of England, a whole chain of events went into play.

The written word has power. I know most people will never actually write a declaration (or type it) and send it to anyone. Why? Because most people don’t actually DO a lot. But, there are a few of you who will. These are the people that usually make things happen in the world.

If you want to be the kind of person that gets results, why not go for it?”

The Gaping Void

The gap between cheap and expensive is widening. According to Seth Godin, the price of a cheap bike used to be $39 while an expensive bike was $300 (8:1 ratio). Now a bad bike costs $69 while the top-of-the-line model goes for upwards of $8000 (116:1 ratio on the premium model).

I find it that many of my clients are often afraid of raising their prices or setting their prices at a premium in the first place. It’s impossible to compete on cheap for a boutique operation. It’s more fulfilling AND profitable to sell something remarkable and charge a premium for it.


  • What’s remarkable about your product or services?
  • Are you currently undercharging?
  • How can you repackage what you already market or sell to get more of a premium for it?

The Edge of Bankruptcy

One night I went to bed a genius and woke up the town idiot. –Michael Volkema, the chairman of Herman Miller

One day you will find your business shrinking or on the edge of bankruptcy. This won’t happen to me. Yes, that’s what I am subconsciously thinking as I write this. I know too much. I have too much experience for this to happen. I’ve been through downturns before and know what to look for.

I’ve created an illusion for myself that my business will continue to grow and the marketplace will always have a need for my services and products. It’s simply an illusion.

The best way to minimize (not eliminate) the chances of the downturn for your business:

  • Don’t take for granted the times the business is going well
  • Continue to spend time & money in R&D of new products, trends & services
  • Be a flexible leader that listens to members of your team, your clients and your industry
  • Adopt successful principles from outside of your industry and comfort zone
  • Position your business to follow the natural flow of trends better yet position yourself to start trends (naturally)
  • Take risks and choose the courageous path
  • Remember that you get the highest rewards when you invent something new rather then make something old a little better
  • Evolve yourself and the business will follow your evolution
  • Share one of your own rules in the comment field

Change the Rules of the Game

What’s the most important criteria to creating long lasting success in business? Don’t you love it when the answer is right in the question? Yes, it’s lasting a long time. Staying in the game is vital to your success in the game. Simple? But… what if…

No, it doesn’t mean that we have to stick it out at our own expense. It’s important to create a system of consistent course corrections. Just remember, if you allow yourself to change the rules of the game, you can stay in it longer. (Steroids are not allowed)

Now let’s play a quiz show game: What do these have in common?

The Rolling Stones
The Eagles
Elton John
Paul McCartney

Check out the answer here.