Clients pay a premium for results. Everything in your business should revolve around the result you are providing to your niche.
Question for you: what’s the #1 thing your clients want?
Answer: They want RESULTS. Results are everything in your business; it’s why clients come back week after week.
Think about FedEx. They are known for one result – getting your package delivered overnight. And they had $35 billion in sales last year. If a company that large can focus on a result, so can you!
So if you have a hard time describing what you do, then choose one main result to focus on. What is the most urgent, #1 result your clients want? If you focus on that, you can create a successful business.
What is the most urgent result your clients want? Focus on that.Tweet this
The more impact your results have on the important dimensions of your client businesses, the more value your services have for them! These results are the most important reasons why clients choose to work with you.
Ask yourself: Which result do your clients want the most AND are willing to invest into?
The best way to understand the needs of your target audience is to ASK clients or potential clients. Sometimes you’ll be shocked to find out what they really care about!
A big mistake many business owners make is to assume they know their clients’ needs. Don’t overlook the basic concerns of “ordinary” people.
Choose 6 people from your target audience (clients or prospective clients) and set up a time for an interview (or a free initial consultation). You can schedule one 15 or 20 minute consultation with an actual prospect or client per day, by phone or in person.
Let them know that you’re doing research to better serve people like them and their opinion really matters to you. People love to help.
Ask questions and then just listen. Be sure to write down their specific words that relate to problems, pain, and emotions. You’ll want to use the exact language of ordinary people in your marketing. Do not rephrase their words into the technical jargon of your field, it will resonate less than the language your audience uses.
When you’ve discovered the most pressing problems of your audience, this will be a catalyst for your business to grow. Because now you can go out into the world and offer your audience a specific solution to their most urgent problems (instead of what YOU think they want)!
Offer your audience a specific solution to their most urgent problemsTweet this
How do you know if you have a successful Ultimate Result for your business, something your clients really want? Answer these questions, and see if your Ultimate Result passes the test.
If you were sitting at a café, conference or other venue where your audience gathers, would you hear people frequently talking about your ultimate result (using the same words you do)?
Is it external? Can it be measured and seen?
Are they motivated enough by their pain or challenges to start looking for a solution?
Are people in the marketplace already investing into your result?
If you tell it to a 9-year old and they can’t understand it, it’s too complicated.