The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

Success Tip #1

Success Tip #1

  • Think of 3 things you love to do
  • Write them down
  • Create ways you can incorporate more of these things into your business

The last time I did this exercise for myself this is what I came up with:

  1. Write – started a blog
  2. Come up with new ideas – created an ideas document, separate from my To Do List (I call it a playlist) that I check every few weeks
  3. Watch Movies — came up with a list of movies with amazing spiritual lessons, that I will begin featuring in my blog and in my newsletter

Would you like to share your experience with following this tip?

Is $300 better than $1 mil?

Half Arsed Ideas thinks so. In his post, Anthony describes how his favorite band (The Grates) decorating the stage with $300 worth of balloons is perfect for their audience. U2-like $1 million dollar pyrotechniques wouldn’t be.

“So the next time you’re trying to create an idea out of thin air: Don’t think big. Instead give some thought about what small simple thing will provide a perfect solution fit for your business or project and you just might save yourself some cash as well as meet the true expectations of your customers.”

What’s the simplest thing can you do today that would appeal to your clients? What’s your $300 worth of balloons?

Thank you for the reminder, Anthony.

Intuition in Business

Children are amazing teachers. They have a natural ability to get to the heart of the matter. They listen to their intuition. We have a lot to learn from them for ourselves and our businesses.

Drawn! pointed me to a clip that reminded me of this notion.

* What is your intuition telling you about the direction of your business, product, service or current marketing campaign?
* Is this aligned with your value system?
* How can I market my business to the intuitive nature of my clients and not their conditioned responses?

Transformation through Technology

Michael Bungay Stanier points to an article on Ray Kurzweil theory on the transformation of the human race through technological advances.  “We won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century – it will be more like 20,000 years of progress at today’s rate.”

“In practical terms,” Kurzweil added, “human aging and illness will be reversed; pollution will be stopped; world hunger and poverty will be solved. Nanotechnology will make it possible to create virtually any physical product using inexpensive information processes, and will ultimately turn even death into a soluble problem.”

Wouldn’t that be something?  Or would it?

A Little Splash of Color

A Creative Splash of Green brightened up my Friday.