The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

There is NO Competition

We have no competitors. It’s not about measuring our self or our business against anyone else. It is about continuing to refine what’s unique about what we do. It’s about zeroing in on your essential zone of genius.

Shift into the mode of creating peak performances for yourself, your team and your business away from the mode of comparing yourself to others.

When your business starts to become more about you and less about your competition, you will cease to have any competitors.

Paradigm Shift

Overflowing Cup **Monday morning inspiration.**

Envision it. Believe it. Make it happen.

“People living in scarcity see the cup as half empty.
People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full.
People living in abundance see the cup as overflowing.
But people Living into their Greatness ARE the Cup.” — Kim George

“Focus on what’s going great for you in your business.
Do more of it, living into your greatness.
Be a cup for what you want most next.” — Sylvia Warren

Follow Your Gut

Good ideas come from figuring it out. Remarkable ideas come from the gut – the inner knowing that the idea is not only right for you, but somehow mysteriously aligns with the Universe, our world and the people in it.

I find that it’s important for each of us to create an environment where we can tap into our ideas. Yet, the art of business (and life) is more about tapping into our intuitive knowing of which ideas we actually pursue. Yes, and pursue them regardless of what other people and the marketplace thinks. We live in a world that reinforces our need for approval and for constant seeking of external gauges of what works and what doesn’t. The only gauge to listen to in making decisions is your gut.

Let your mind gather all the data, but let your gut be your guide.

This is what Seth Godin has to say about it:

“Do you go with your instinct? Is your gut reaction to be trusted? After all, you’ve been right before. After all, you’ve been wrong before.

The analysis, based on past events, certainly seems sound. But your instincts are the only way you’re going to do something unsound.

And unsound things become hits. Sound ones never do.

Who Moved My Cheese was unsound. So was publishing a book two years after you started blogging every chapter. So was an expensive, unfitted, almost untailored suit from Milan. So was running against Joe Lieberman.

The challenge is not to somehow persuade those in search of soundness to change their minds. The challenge is to do enough of a gut check to decide whether you should defend your instinct. And then do it.”


  • Which idea you’ve had simply not leave you alone?
  • Which idea feels right, yet really scares you?
  • Which idea would revolutionize your industry?
  • The pursuit of which idea, would make the biggest difference in your business and your life?

Monday 9 a.m.

Dominic MillerI’ve discovered a powerfully inspirational film site: Monday 9 a.m. – that explores humanity, creativity and the questions that arise our of living and creating.

This week features a film about Dominic Miller, Sting’s guitarist.


What does art, a philosopher and a life coach have in common? They all leave you with questions to ponder.

These are the questions from this film:

  • What happens when you get to where you believe you should be?
  • Does everything start with a relationship between two things –you and a somebody or a something?
  • What is your opportunity to recognize this and to create a ‘story’?
  • Is it your responsibility to do so?
  • What ‘story’ is out there waiting to be told by you?
  • Are you courageous enough to live with ‘the not knowing’?
  • How naked are you prepared to be?

Come Alive

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Howard Thurman

This is a good reminder to move towards what energizes us in our business. The rest will follow!

Inspire Procrastination

I was in the middle of having an email discussion about procrastination with a friend and Coach Talk ezine reader of mine. In the middle of writing the email I noticed being inspired to write a blog post regarding this topic. So here I am happily writing. I was inspired. I caught and noticed the inspiration. I acted on my inspiration.

One simple way to avoid procrastination is to:

  1. Get inspired (remember and feel why you want to do something in the first place)
  2. Notice and catch that inspiration
  3. Use the energy of the inspiration to do something about it NOW.

Inspiration gives us the energy for action that requires minimal effort and maximum flow.

  • In the moment when you are inspired to write — write
  • In the moment when you are excited about your marketing plan — execute the plan
  • In the moment when you feel gratitude towards your clients — call a perspective client
  • In the moment you get the urge to exercise — go for a run
  • In the moment you feel love for someone — call them and let them know

Seize the moment of inspiration as it creates the intersection of wanting and needing to do something.