The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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You should just get a job…


When you’re in the process of getting your business off the ground, you will most likely run into doubters along the way.  It’s only natural, after all, you are doing something that only a tiny percentage of the population ever attempts.

  • The doubter will be afraid for you.
  • The doubter will tell you to play it safe.
  • The doubter will tell you to get a job
  • The doubter will often persuade you to give up on the dream of a successful business.

The doubter is not here to help you.

But worst of all, that doubter is often YOU.  Yes, the voice of the doubter is often loud and clear inside you.  And it’s OK, because you know what to do:

  • Your job is to not listen to the doubter.
  • Your job is to feed the dreamer and not the doubter.
  • Your job is to push your doubter packing.

If you are to create the business of your dreams… you’ve gotta tell you doubter to “you know what.”

What will you tell you doubter?  Share below.



P.S.  If you missed my last blog post Awaken Your Inner CEO, check it out here.


  1. Cynthea says

    Wow just this am i was thinking of something you told me once and was sharing it with someone when my doubter was having a tantrum… And you were saying to make it OK… And it really really shifted me into a peaceful space… So i would tell my doubter… It’s OK that you doubt, that’s your job… And it’s OK for me to do what i feel and learn from it because that’s the game of being in a body and you’re part of the game. I’m sure we’ll encounter eachother like old friends when we see eachother but now that we’re officially broken up i have a new lover that’s making me very happy so i just know you’ll find a lot of company out there… If you like I’ll introduce you to my family … They’re all doubters like you. You’ll get along fantastically! Bye for now!!!

  2. Thanks Bill.
    I would tell them:

    Upon the morning dew, brilliant light dances, little crystals of magnificence appearing momentarily and fully. You, my friend, are this magnificence. In your momentary experience of YOU, let the world see, feel, taste and touch your flavors. Not so much in the doing, simply in your willingness to BE. As you surrender to this Being within, you become a brilliant bright frequency of refreshing authentic expression in our world. And the impulse of Spirit through you – in other words – what you will do with that magnificence – how you choose to dance your goddance ~ flows effortlessly from your Self as Love, in service to All That Is.

    Or maybe this:
    God’s Dance

    We are God’s dance
    And we get to experience that
    when we let go of the thought
    that says, we are not

    Or possibly even this:
    Love Flows a Promise

    Wondering if I just forgot
    My promise to the One
    That words would flow from me
    only as love pours
    from the eyes of Mother
    as her children come,
    tired and alive…
    That I would move my pen in service
    To delight and ecstasy
    Inspiring those who come home
    To what is already so…


  3. Alice Meadow says

    I appreciate your concern and efforts to protect me. Would you tell me what you are afraid of and if there have been times in my life when it has been important for you to protect me in your way. Now I understand why you have been doubting. That may have been very helpful then but now, with my current experience and expertise, holding me back by creating doubt in me is not helpful. If you were to be safe and I would be safe, how would you rather be? If we both were to be safe, would you be willing to put down the burden of doubting to be and do what it really is you want? Is the ‘unburdened’ doubter willing to join me in present time rather than holding me back the way you have been, stuck in the past with such a big job to keep me safe? You are no longer responsible for saving me, protecting me: I will use my present day wisdom and experience and you can let me know if something alerts you but you no longer need to act on it. Taking your concerns into account, I will choose what is correct to the best of my abilities with the situation at hand.

  4. I said to the doubter 16 years ago, when I started this business, “Do you really want to go through the rest of your life without having TRIED to start and run your own business?” The answer was no. Best decision I ever made.

  5. I say to my doubter “I can build this business because I BELIEVE I can. And I will succeed I’m my business because I BELIEVE I can. I will do everything I set my mind to because I am me and I believe in me. “

  6. Hope to get it up by the end of next week.

    I would tell my doubter that I appreciate their concern and that route may be what is best for them, but I must pursue my passion and what I believe to be my purpose for being on this Planet.

  7. Maureen says

    Who ever the doubter is I would remind them that my faith is strong in Christ Jesus and believe I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. I learned a long time ago that our timing is not God’s timing and to be patient. I am very tenacious and once I have a vision, dream or goal I strive towards achieving it because I believe I have what it takes to do so.

  8. My “job” is to help people. That’s what I’m doing.

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