The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

Pay Attention & Succeed

Chris Barrow reminds us that paying attention to what your customers want and creating new offerings around their desires is a great strategy for growing your business. It also takes all the guesswork out of product creation.

  • Listen to what additional problems your clients want solved
  • Create products that help them solve this problem

Keep your ears open and hear the opportunities calling out to you. 

Sprinkle Some Fun On Top

I am generally a fun person to hang out with. Wait, perhaps the debate is still out on that.

In any case, when I create my products and my marketing, I simply block that part of my personality from entering the picture. I fall into the paradigm – I do serious work. I work with clients to help them create more prosperity in their lives. Enough $ — Enough Energy — Enough Time. That’s serious business. The reality is that I produce better work when I am having fun. My clients are more inspired when they are having fun. My services sell better when they seem approachable and not so serious.

I wanted to thank Kathy for her amazing post and this brilliant reminder.

“Brains like play, because play is important to survival. But how does the brain know that play is happening? The chemistry associated with having fun. If something is enjoyable, that registers in the brain, and the brain rewards us with reinforcing feelings and–more importantly–attention and memory! All things being equal, fun things are more memorable than things which are not enjoyable.”

The more fun something is, the more likely you are to keep doing it.


  • How can you put more FUN in your products, your marketing, your services?
  • How can you infuse more FUN into your work day?

Prosperity Declaration

I would like to urge you to do a quick 2 to 3 minute experiment. This is an invitation to create a simple declaration of how you want your business to be.

Here is my personal example:

“I, Bill Baren, solemnly publish and declare that I shall build a Entrepreneur Prosperity Program that generates a profit of over $150,000 per year and moves hundreds of businesses and entrepreneurs towards more money, more time and more energy. I declare that I shall do whatever it takes to make this happen and will give myself all the support I need to make it happen.”

This exercise only takes a few minutes, but it can create a lot of energy you need to take our business to the next level. Declare this with certainty and share this declaration with as many people as possible. I invite you to do this today.

I want to thank Christian Michelson for this idea. This is what he wrote:

“If the colonial rebels who wrote the “Declaration of Independence”, didn’t send it to anyone, it would NOT have had any effect. By sharing it with the King of England, a whole chain of events went into play.

The written word has power. I know most people will never actually write a declaration (or type it) and send it to anyone. Why? Because most people don’t actually DO a lot. But, there are a few of you who will. These are the people that usually make things happen in the world.

If you want to be the kind of person that gets results, why not go for it?”

Integrity is a Choice

Conscious Capitalism is based on the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. Seth Godin reminds me today that it’s also about integrity. It’s not enough for integrity to be part of the personality of your business. Integrity must be a part of its essence.

Systems are always going to be manipulated by some. That’s inevitable. What’s happening today is that manipulation has become part of the system. How unfortunate it is that the people that choose not to manipulate are the ones going against the grain. Integrity is going against the grain. How sad is that?

We don’t have to play the game, we can, we should, we must create a new game. Integrity is a choice. It’s not an easy choice. Conscious Capitalism is about making conscious choices.

*** Thank you Andrea for such an appropriate post…

Business ER

Business is unpredictable. Sometimes things happen that will blindside you. It’s inevitable. At the same time, it’s important to do what you can to minimize the risk of a disaster occurring.

Over the past weekend, my computer hard-drive failed. And yes, there was no recent back-up. I had not realized, until I spoke to a few drive doctors, how often this occurs in the business world. The on-line version of ER docs often have to go to extraordinary measures to bring back not only computers, but entire businesses back from the dead.

We are living in the information age. This weekend I was reminded that my business IS information and that perhaps I should protect it just a bit more.

What I learned is simple. Now let’s work on the execution part of it.

  • Have a system for regular back-up of all of your computer information.
  • Make sure that you have back-up in a remote location in case, there is a fire or a burglary of your office.
  • It’s good to not only have a back-up of files, but also of the entire hard-drive so that you can get back to business much faster

Innovative Language

The practice of using popular keywords to describe our products and services is considered the smart thing to do in the world of internet marketing. We are told that we’ll get more traffic flowing to our sites and we’ll sell more products.

What we often forget is that when a word or a phrase is over-used, it loses its power and often its meaning, as well.

Organic is losing its meaning – Organic Cheetos clinched the deal
Thinking outside the box is only used by people thinking in the box
The tipping point has tipped and has spilled over
Porn well, it’s still porn and somehow still sells without losing its meaning

We are so often reminded to be innovative with our products. I want to remind you to be innovative with your language. Meaning is more important then a keyword.

* At the risk of losing the meaning of Seth Godin, I want to once again thank him and his post for inspiring this thought of mine.