The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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Riskiest post I’ve ever written

This is the riskiest post I’ve ever written.

I am about to break my own cardinal rule of never talking about politics or religion in my newsletter. And even though I am not political, I can’t help but talk about politics to illustrate my point.

Here it goes:

In my opinion, one of the main reasons our political system is broken is because its design has been co-opted by politicians who put most of their time, energy and resources into getting re-elected and holding power rather than on serving the people they are meant to serve. Politicians make promises and then make back-room deals, placing their own interests of staying in power (or getting elected in the first place) way above what they are there for in the first place being in service to their tribe, their constituents. Because of this unfortunate evolution, government has become a joke.

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The truth about conscious marketing

This week I got an amazing email from one of my dear Big Shift Coaching program clients who said that she loves the way I talk about marketing. She said that I made it sound so simple and intuitive so that she can immediately ‘get it’.

With that email emerged a desire in me to share with you how I went from being the poster child of marketing resistance to being a huge fan of marketing.

That change in attitude has helped me create a very successful business and made marketing feel easy for me.

And since that’s exactly what I want for you, I thought I’d share a few thoughts.

First of all, even though I love marketing, I never think about it as marketing.

This is how I do think about it:

  • How do I get to know the people I am meant to serve in a deep and intimate way?
  • What is it I can do to help them, in a way that I am going to enjoy and that will make a difference to them?
  • How do I verbalize it in a way that’s simple for my clients to understand?

Marketing is not ‘How do I get people to hire me or buy my stuff?’ Marketing is the ultimate act of service, where I get to teach, inspire and share who I am with the world.

What if you knew that you could freely give to as many people as possible because you knew that some of those people are going to be more than happy to hire you.

Now your job becomes two-fold, figure out what cool things you can share with people, and find more and more people to share it with.

Here are some ideas where you could start:

  1. Brainstorm 10-20 things you can do to help your clients and potential clients get the results they need
  2. Take your favorite of those ideas and turn it into a gift to your potential client, this could be an ebook, a blog post, a webinar, a poem, a singing video, a game, a manifesto.. (let your imagination run wild)
  3. Give that gift out freely to as many people as possible
  4. Make sure you make it easy for the recipients of those free gifts to contact and to hire you

Marketing can be that simple and all it requires of you is a desire to serve and a propensity to want to give freely of your gifts and talents.

How will you approach marketing today?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.


3 Factors that Make a Product Launch Superior to ANY Other Marketing Strategy for Filling Your Programs and Selling Your Products Online

Guest Blog Post By Milana Leshinsky

There are hundreds of ways to market your products and programs, but there’s one that stands out as the most powerful one – product launches! It’s the fastest way to generate a surge of sales and clients in your business, even if you’re brand new to your target market.

In fact, the biggest LIE of a product launch is that you need to be a well-known authority or expert in order to succeed with product launches. When done right, a product launch can be the SOURCE of your celebrity status and financial success!

Let me share with you the 3 factors that make product launches the absolutely BEST marketing strategy on the planet:

Factor #1 – Social Proof
The invisible force that makes rational people do crazy, even appalling, acts

A product launch has a unique ability to cause a flood of motivated and excited buyers to sign up for your offer in a short, concentrated period of time. New York Times bestselling psychologist, Robert Cialdini, validates the power of a product launch:  We view a behavior as more correct…to the degree that we see others performing it.  The reason is simple. It’s called social proof.

So much fear is removed from the mind of your buyers when they see that they are not alone! There is a huge difference between being ONE person buying something by themselves, and being a part of a stampeding horde of buyers racing to buy at the same time!

The feeling is electrifying! For both you and the buyer! A product launch, done the right way, is based on magnetically attracting a targeted crowd and guiding them into an overwhelming desire for your product.

Factor #2 – Education
Empower Your Audience Through Education

Trying to get a total stranger to pay you their hard earned money is not easy. But doing it over a distance and doing it online can be even harder. The BEST way I have found to CONNECT with your prospects is to EDUCATE them. The purpose of educating your audience is to INCREASE DESIRE and SEE YOU AS THE AUTHORITY. Your educational will position you in their minds as an expert and you’ll significantly increase your results.

The other incredible benefit to educating your audience is that you don’t have to be a great copywriter! Your content will help you connect with your prospects, and they’ll buy from you based on that connection – not based on the sales copy. An educated and empowered audience is willing to pay 50% to 500% more for the same product!

Factor #3 – Timing
Giving Time to Get To Know You

The last factor of what makes a launch effective is the timing. By spreading your launch over time, you give your audience a chance to get to know you. They get familiar with your name, your content, they do not feel forced to make the decision to buy right now. It’s not about pushing your product onto your prospects. Product launch process gives you time to connect deeply with your audience and generate an unconscious and powerful desire, so they DEMAND your product. I call it silent selling.

In my experience, the best way to time your product launch is over the course of 28 days. Every week you release a piece of content teaching your prospects about your topic. They consume that content, ask you questions, give you feedback, and discuss it with peers. Then when you announce your product or program, they rush to purchase it. Of course, it’s very important that your educational content is connected
to your product. I teach how to do that in my “7 Strategies for Creating Content That Sells” at http://www.LaunchYourCoachingProgram.com

These 3 factors create a unique buying environment no other marketing strategy offers.

About Author: Milana Leshinsky has created a million-dollar coaching and information business empire. She uses simple product launches to create income and get clients on demand. To learn her program launching secrets, including the 28-day simple product launch blueprint, be sure to attend her LIVE teleclass at http://www.LaunchYourCoachingProgram.com

Can You Guess My #1 Marketing Strategy in Business Coaching?

You probably already know that I have a passion for sharing my most effective business-building strategies with you. But there’s one thing I’ve never taught until now.

It’s my #1 marketing strategy, which can help you consistently attract clients and radically increase the amount of impact and community you create in your business.

Can you guess what it is?

OK, the answer is… it’s building a sizeable list of potential clients that you can consistently communicate with and offer your content and services to.

Because having a list is the easiest way for you to reach your tribe, build relationships and credibility, and attract new clients.

I’d like to tell you a story…

When I first started out 9 years ago as a coach, I had no one on my email newsletter list. It was a struggle to go out and get clients. And every month, it felt like I was starting over again, I had no marketing momentum built up in my business.

A marketing mentor gave me a good piece of advice, “Why don’t you start a newsletter?”

So I did.

I decided to start a simple newsletter, and I tried everything I could to add people to my list. Gradually, my list grew from zero to 2,000 people.
Amazingly, something magical happened when my newsletter list got past the 2,000 people mark.

On a regular basis, people would email me asking about my services, asking for a consultation – and then hiring me!

This was completely unsolicited! These were people who subscribed to my newsletter and enjoyed the free content I was sharing. I was on cloud 9.

Can you imagine this? Every time you send out an email, it generates excitement and new business with your audience.

Once I had grown my list to 2,000 people, I set an intention to double it. But things went much better than I had planned.

In the past 2 years, I’ve been able to grow my list from 2,000 to 18,000 amazing people that I’m totally psyched to be in communication with!

The opportunities that a list this size have created for me are huge:

  • Last year I filled 4 group coaching programs, coaching 570 people to greater heights in their businesses!
  • I used to be excited to get 50 people on a teleseminar – now 1,000 to 2,000 people sign up for telecalls to receive my training content.

Why am I sharing my story with you? Because I know the power that list building has to transform your business (like it did with mine), and I want you to benefit from it too.

My intention is to double the size of my list again in the next 12 months to 36,000 people.
Would you like to join me on this journey?

Why Networking Is A Waste of Time…

I rarely see networking work really well.

It’s true, the majority of business owners I speak to either network sporadically (“pitch and run”) or they spend a lot of time networking…  and …

<< drumroll >>

They rarely get many clients through their networking efforts.

I see you investing your time and effort into networking that doesn’t result in new clients and worse yet, it results in you losing faith that networking can work for you.

Networking doesn’t work unless you follow certain basic principles of enrollment. 

  1. Go to networking events regularly with organizations that have repeat visitors and a community
  2. Then concentrate on creating relationships
  3. Have a compelling “elevator pitch” that leaves the people in your tribe (your target audience) wanting more
  4. Have a unique business card with a call to action on it (see below)
  5. Follow up and schedule a “get to know you” session with potential clients

Is your business card getting tossed within 24 hours?

A business card specifically created for networking can be an incredible tool to build your credibility, help you stand out and also build an audience of people who are actually looking for the results your service offers.

Here’s how to take a plain, boring business card and turn it into a client generating machine.

Front of the Card ideas

  1. Put a picture on the front of your card that showcases your personality.  This is so people you meet remember you better.
  2. Write on the front of the business card:  “I gave you this card because I enjoyed meeting you.  I’d love to see you again, so look for me.”  This line along with the picture will cement you in their memory and it also invites them to seek you out at the next event.
  3. Include a phone # or an email address (one or the other).  You want to encourage people to use the mode of communication that you respond faster to.

Back of the Card ideas

  1. You want to include a “call to action”, so that when the person you gave the card to goes home and looks at your card again, they actually do something with the card instead of just filing it somewhere or throwing it out.
  2. I recommend that you include a link to a web page offering a high quality free gift like an ebook or audio from you.
  3. Nothing else should be placed on the back of the card, other than the URL where they should go for that action, and a short description of the benefits.

Here’s an example of the Back of a Business Card (using me as an example)

If you are coach, healer or small business owner who really wants to make a difference with your service and you are wasting your time doing free consultations and are not getting any clients out of it…

My free video training series will help you have your prospects say yes to investing in your service without you doing any selling.


Here are the benefits of having a card like this:

  • You get to stand out in a sea of networkers
  • You are inviting people who have met you once to come seek you out
  • You are developing relationships quicker
  • You are establishing yourself as an expert
  • You get to build your list when people you meet opt-in to your call to action.  And only the people who want what you have will opt-in and get on your email list.
  • You get to finally make networking work for you

Now, let’s get more advanced

I shared some basic networking principles up above, now here’s a more advanced strategy.

These days, I never network to attract clients. (Although networking for clients is a perfectly good approach.)

I network to create relationships with strategic alliance partners.

A great partner is someone that you trust and have a fantastic working relationship with.
Where we can work together on a long-term basis and mutually support both of our businesses.

And with a great partner, you can double the size of the audience you can reach.

So when you’re at a networking event, keep your eyes open for the people who are “centers of influence” and who can tap into an audience you’d like to connect with.
And get things rolling by thinking about how you can help them! (Be creative!)

Let the unveiling begin

Next week, I will unveil my free video training that I used in the business card example above.

So if you want to know more of my advanced secrets on how to easily enroll new clients, you’re going to love what I have prepared for you.

Stay tuned, my friend.  Stay tuned…


Not just a job – Reflections of a Business Coach

I don’t want a job.  I have never wanted a job, and I’ve never had one.  In the past, I have often found myself feeling like what I am doing is a job (not recently thankfully) and that my boss is not so nice to me.

I have been a traveler on the journey of transforming my business from a job into the deepest reflection of my internal desires for years.

In simplest terms, my desire for my business is to do what I love, in a way that’s congruent with my deepest values, and with people I love working with.  It’s a pretty simple concept, yet the realization of that dream of mine has been my practice for years now.

I’m grateful that in recent times, I have been able to do exactly what I want.  I have been creating exactly the kind of programs and products that I am excited about and ones that create a huge impact.

I have been able to liberate my time to do only the things I love – writing, coaching,  delivering tele-trainings and designing my business. All of this to maximize my ability to be of service and offer my gifts to the people I am meant to serve.

I have been able to work ONLY with clients that I love and who totally resonate with my teachings and my coaching style AND I have had the privilege of partnering of some of the best minds and hearts in the business space.

Underneath all of this, it’s not just a walk in the park. I’m expanding my comfort zone and often that’s very uncomfortable.  But I know that everything I long for is just outside my comfort zone.  And to tell you the truth, it is even more uncomfortable to me to know that I am wasting my gifts.  So I always give it my all even if it’s difficult.

The place I have had struggle in my business is with my schedule.  I am now extremely productive.  I can get more done quicker than almost anyone I know (my business partner, Patrick, is amazing at that, too).  And at the same time, my desire to give, be of service AND be available has meant that my schedule is constantly filled-up.

So I am continuing to work on refining my way of being in my business that allows me to give fully without the demand on my schedule increasing.  This is the part of my personal growth that my business is moving me towards.

Why am I sharing all of this?

#1 – I want you to be inspired to play bigger and ALLOW your business to help you create the kind of life you truly want.
I want you to know that you can make the kind of money you want to earn.
And make the kind of impact you crave for.
You can feel great and expansive in your business.
And create the kind of schedule and lifestyle you want to create.
And I want you to know that you need to set a strong INTENTION for this to happen, and have a commitment to intentional action.  That’s the only reason I have been successful.  I am not more talented than you.  I am not more of a natural at what I do than you.  So I know that if I can do it, you can, too.

#2 – My life and my business are far from perfect.  I may seem like I’ve got it all together.  I don’t.  I have a lot of things together and figured out.  On the other hand, I still struggle in certain areas of my business and my life.  But I know that because of my commitment to my own breakthroughs that I will have the big shifts that will allow me to continue to create life and business I truly want.

So I want to invite you to commit at that same level (that’s 100%) in areas that you are currently struggling or simply tolerating in your business and in your life.

I recently learned from a mentor that struggle is effort with negative energy (resistance). If you can remove the negative energy, then effort can be enjoyable.
