The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

Why everything takes longer than you thought…


Everything takes longer than we think.  And success is no

We are not living in a movie or a reality show.  A lifetime
of experience, achievement and success doesn’t take just 2
hours to accomplish.

Success requires sticktoitiveness and dedication.  It
requires mastery.  And mastery always takes time.  And often
it takes longer than we have been falsely conditioned to

Success lives on the others side of “I want to quit” and
just around the corner from“Will this ever happen to me?”

Are you willing to be patient enough?

And are you willing to give it your all before you see
evidence that you will succeed?

Let me know here.



Today I wanted to share something from my personal & business life that makes me happy.

I find that life is so much better when I infuse it with gratitude.

I actually keep a gratitude journal, and in the evenings I journal about the people and experiences and things in life that I’m grateful for.

I’d love to explore the topic of gratitude more with you in this video I made for you. I hope it inspires you.

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The Biggest Business Game Changers… Your Business Will Never Be The Same Again

I woke up early this morning with something brewing inside
me.  I knew that I wanted to say something, but I didn’t
know what.  And then it hit me…

What got you here – won’t get you there.

What got you to your current level of success is not going
to help you get to the next level of success.

The very thing that propelled you to succeed is not going to
help you succeed at the next level.

And until you find out what that next thing is, you’re going
to be stuck where you are.

I call that thing the game changer.

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Answers From The Mailbag

This week I’m answering one of the burning questions I’ve received from newsletter subscribers and clients. Let me know what you think in the comments below!


Hi Bill,

My major question is this: when I’m at a networking event, I get challenged by answering the question, “What do you do?” Every time I answer by saying “I’m an executive coach”, it doesn’t work very well. How can I change the way I introduce myself to people? (Because once I get into a good discussion, I’m able to successfully offer a consultation.)


This is a really good question –  it’s an important one.

Executive coach doesn’t mean anything to most people. And even if it does, it will mean what they think it means and not necessarily what you want it to.

So I’ll show you how to say “what you do” in a way that will entice people to want to know more. Because really, that’s the reaction that we want.

So compare the these two answers to “What do you do?”

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What An Experience It Was!

Hi, It’s Bill,

I’m delighted that people are still buzzing from our Big Shift Experience Live 2013!   It’s incredible what you can create from having more than 400 people that are all there to make a difference in the world.

They learned what works to add revenue to your business in 2013.

They laughed and had amazing fun.

And they left utterly transformed.

If you weren’t there, my 3 roving reporter contest winners are here to bring the Big Shifts directly to you.

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Mosquitos, Malaria and What May Be Stopping You From Getting Clients

I really love deconstructing the psychology of why service-based business owners get hired.

So what needs to be in place for someone to even begin contemplating hiring you?

I can boil it down to just 2 words


What I mean by this is that something in your potential client’s business or life needs to be enough of problem that they want it to be different NOW. Or perhaps they want something bad enough that they are willing to do something about it NOW.

  • I like my shoes; and the heel broke off. I want that situation to change, so I go to a cobbler to get that fixed.
  • I don’t like how I look in the mirror because I put on 15 pounds, so I go to a weight loss coach or a trainer because I want my appearance to change.
  • I am sad and depressed and I feel so lost in my life. So I go to a therapist or a life purpose coach to help me with that.

Without a current urgent need, your potential clients will continue to be potential clients unless their problem becomes acute enough for them to want to do something about it.

There has to be a problem NOW.

I’ll give you an example. In Africa, malaria kills hundreds of thousands of children every year. It turns out that $6 bed nets, which prevent mosquitoes from biting kids while they sleep, is a great preventative measure. Yet, unless these bed nets are given out for free, they tend to not sell at all. On the other hand, once the child gets malaria, paren’ts do everything possible to obtain medicine to save their child’s life.

Why would an African paren’t not buy a $6 bed when that action could very well save their child’s life?

It is not because they don’t care about their child – because they ARE willing to invest hundreds of dollars on medicine once their child gets malaria.

Prevention is simply not enough of a motivator for someone to invest. There simply isn’t yet an urgent problem.

Here are just a few of the reasons why you will not get hired unless your potential client has a current urgent need:

  • There’s not enough motivation for someone to even learn about something that is not yet an urgent problem; so people aren’t even in the position to seek out help.
  • Taking action in order for something not to happen is not enough of motivator. You sleep under a bed net and you don’t get malaria. You eat right and you don’t get sick. You get liability insurance so that you can keep your money when you get sued.
  • It’s easy to procrastinate when the need is not current. Yes, your service may sound interesting to your potential client, but unless there is a current need it’s just too easy to say “I will take care of it later.”

So the moral of this story – make sure you have identified an urgent problem that you are solving with your services, your packages and your products. And make sure to identify the result which people with that problem are really seeking. This is really the basis of your business. It is the shingle on your virtual store. Without this, success may be a bit elusive.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment below…