The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

To subscribe to the podcast & leave a review, click the button below:


We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

Not just a job – Reflections of a Business Coach

I don’t want a job.  I have never wanted a job, and I’ve never had one.  In the past, I have often found myself feeling like what I am doing is a job (not recently thankfully) and that my boss is not so nice to me.

I have been a traveler on the journey of transforming my business from a job into the deepest reflection of my internal desires for years.

In simplest terms, my desire for my business is to do what I love, in a way that’s congruent with my deepest values, and with people I love working with.  It’s a pretty simple concept, yet the realization of that dream of mine has been my practice for years now.

I’m grateful that in recent times, I have been able to do exactly what I want.  I have been creating exactly the kind of programs and products that I am excited about and ones that create a huge impact.

I have been able to liberate my time to do only the things I love – writing, coaching,  delivering tele-trainings and designing my business. All of this to maximize my ability to be of service and offer my gifts to the people I am meant to serve.

I have been able to work ONLY with clients that I love and who totally resonate with my teachings and my coaching style AND I have had the privilege of partnering of some of the best minds and hearts in the business space.

Underneath all of this, it’s not just a walk in the park. I’m expanding my comfort zone and often that’s very uncomfortable.  But I know that everything I long for is just outside my comfort zone.  And to tell you the truth, it is even more uncomfortable to me to know that I am wasting my gifts.  So I always give it my all even if it’s difficult.

The place I have had struggle in my business is with my schedule.  I am now extremely productive.  I can get more done quicker than almost anyone I know (my business partner, Patrick, is amazing at that, too).  And at the same time, my desire to give, be of service AND be available has meant that my schedule is constantly filled-up.

So I am continuing to work on refining my way of being in my business that allows me to give fully without the demand on my schedule increasing.  This is the part of my personal growth that my business is moving me towards.

Why am I sharing all of this?

#1 – I want you to be inspired to play bigger and ALLOW your business to help you create the kind of life you truly want.
I want you to know that you can make the kind of money you want to earn.
And make the kind of impact you crave for.
You can feel great and expansive in your business.
And create the kind of schedule and lifestyle you want to create.
And I want you to know that you need to set a strong INTENTION for this to happen, and have a commitment to intentional action.  That’s the only reason I have been successful.  I am not more talented than you.  I am not more of a natural at what I do than you.  So I know that if I can do it, you can, too.

#2 – My life and my business are far from perfect.  I may seem like I’ve got it all together.  I don’t.  I have a lot of things together and figured out.  On the other hand, I still struggle in certain areas of my business and my life.  But I know that because of my commitment to my own breakthroughs that I will have the big shifts that will allow me to continue to create life and business I truly want.

So I want to invite you to commit at that same level (that’s 100%) in areas that you are currently struggling or simply tolerating in your business and in your life.

I recently learned from a mentor that struggle is effort with negative energy (resistance). If you can remove the negative energy, then effort can be enjoyable.


Announcing the Client Mastery Blueprint Winner

Thank you to everyone who submitted their entry in the scholarship contest.

This was an incredibly difficult decision, because there were many worthy entries that took my breath away with their passionate self-exploration, courage, and deep spirit of service to others.

In the end, I allowed my intuition to guide me to who brings the greatest need, a strong potential for positively impacting the world and who is absolutely ready to take a leap in their business NOW.
And, it turns out that there are TWO people who I felt were deserving of receiving this scholarship.

Id like you to meet the amazing winners of our Client Mastery Blueprint scholarship contest.

And the winners are…
Stephani and Michael!

You can learn more about each of them at their websites.
Stephani’s site: http://www.nourishingjourney.com
Michael’s site: http://www.lifebalanceclub.com/

For everyone who entered the contest, I fully trust that the passion and commitment that you expressed in your entries will be a strong message to the universe to bring you the support that you need. And I believe that we will find a way to work together, some how, some way.

And now, please leave a comment below congratulating both Stephani and Michael…

Win a FULL scholarship to my upcoming program!

Im proud to announce a contest where one business owner will receive a FULL scholarship to my upcoming Client Mastery Blueprint program.

(In case you haven’t read up on what Client Mastery Blueprint is all about, you can do so here: http://www.ClientMasteryBlueprint.com/earlybird)

Why am I giving away a full place, when there are a very limited number of places in this program and this program will sell out (last time it sold out a week early)?

I was completely touched and inspired by the actions and messages I received from Monica, our scholarship winner from the last Client Mastery Blueprint group, so I know how much participation in this program can be a catalyst in your life.

So Ive decided to set aside a place for someone who is having a challenging time with their business, but has the burning desire and passion to succeed.

All of the coaching, step-by-step strategies, tools, and resources in this program are designed to help you make a big leap forward in your business. I know if you invest your time, energy and resources into this program! and you commit to IMPLEMENTING, and not just learning!. this program will give you the incredible support you need to GROW!

Here’s What To Do

1. Post your entry in the comments section below, answering these 4 questions:

I. What specific results do you want for your business in 12 months?
II. What are the 2-3 biggest challenges stopping you from getting the results you want?
III. What are at least 3 benefits Client Master Blueprint will bring to your business and your life?
IV. Why is it that you should be chosen?

(NOTE: Be sure to put include your email address when you are filling out the comment form, so that we can
contact you).

2. You can post your entry as text or as a YouTube video. We know that some people are better at writing, some are better at live speaking. Just be sure to include a blog comment with your YouTube link.3. I’ll review all entries and select the person that communicates the clearest vision and most compelling motivation for making a big step forward in their business.

3. I’ll review all entries and select the person that communicates the clearest vision and most compelling motivation for making a big step forward in their business.

4. Timing: post your entry in the comment section down below by midnight, Thursday July 1st.

I’ll select the winner and let him or her know by Friday, July 2nd – hopefully you’ll be the one!

One More Important Thought

This scholarship is intended for a business owner who really needs it – and will do the work to get maximum benefit from this program.

So if you are in a financial situation where you can afford the tuition, please invest in yourself and reserve your spot. This program is going to be FAR more valuable than the investment to participate. To register: http://www.ClientMasteryBlueprint.com/earlybird

What You Win

You win a FULL scholarship for the Client Mastery Blueprint gold level membership (this program is worth $10,278).

If you win, be prepared to follow through and be an active and fully committed participant in the Client Mastery Blueprint program.

This is an amazing opportunity to reap all of the benefits of a 6-month business growth program and receive hands-on coaching, step-by-step training filled with practical how-to guidance so you can attract all of the clients that you want while doing what you love. I’m teaching my own system for attracting and retaining clients so you’re going to get exactly what you need to make a big jump forward and generate more revenue for your business.

If you haven’t read up on what Client Mastery Blueprint is all about, you can do so here:


What this all boils down to: you’ll be learning the same strategies, and action steps I’ve used to create a business in which I brought on 4 other coaches to help me serve all of the prospects and clients I attract. This is a gift that I can’t wait to share with you.

Good luck!

P.S. Go ahead and do your entry now – even if yours doesn’t win, I’ll honor your intention and commitment with a special gift.

So no matter what happens, you win!

A Short Note to Express Appreciation to You

Have you told your clients how much you appreciate them lately?

I just got off the phone with an amazing client from my Client Mastery Blueprint program.  At the end of the conversation, I told her how much of a joy she is to me.  I meant it because it’s true.  It felt great to say it and I know it felt good for her to receive it.

Your clients like working with you, not just because you have a great service. They like working with you because of how they feel when working with you.  The experience is just as important as the results they get.

But do they also know how much you like working with them?

You feeling and communicating gratitude for the gift of being able to work with your client is an essential piece of what can make the experience of working with you just that much better.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Write in a gratitude journal what you appreciate about your clients and being of service to them.
  • Then share that gratitude with your clients.  You can send them a card, a gift or you can simply tell them about it verbally

This will make a difference.  Because what you appreciate appreciates.

The fact that I take the time daily to connect to what and to whom I appreciate is the difference maker in my business.

It’s my secret sauce.

Here’s what I am appreciating in my business

  • The 30 incredible participants in my Client Mastery Blueprint Group Coaching Program – you continue to inspire me
  • *You* for reading my writing and for being a part of my audience and allowing me to share my gifts with you
  • My private clients who never cease to amaze me with their courage and accomplishments
  • My team, who are serious Rock Stars, and help me continue to shine as brightly as I am possibly can
  • My strategic partners who believe in what I do and want to share it with others
  • My fiancé for sharing her life, her joys and her sorrows with me
  • My business model that will allow me to maximize my impact and touch that more lives
  • The 99 amazing new clients who signed up for my Master of Enrollment Program – I can’t wait to get started on Wednesday

Thank YOU again for taking the time to read what I’m grateful for, for your never-ending support and inspiring me and my business everyday.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

What are you thankful for?


Are you overlooking these 7 areas in your business?

Have you ever had this experience?

You learn a new word that you seem to have never heard of before, then, all of a sudden you start hearing and seeing that word everywhere.

Is the word being used more now that you’ve learned it?


Are you simply noticing it more because you’ve increased your possibilities by learning a new word?

When you open your attention to new things –> you increase your possibilities

When you’re stuck, it simply means that you’ve gotten into a rut of looking at the same things over and over again.

When you widen the range of what you pay attention to and then begin to change your actions accordingly, you shift.  You get unstuck.

I call this “The Perception Principle.”

The perception principle is at the heart of why certain business owners stagnate or fail, and why others achieve success and create businesses that allow them to have financial freedom.

When you put your attention on “what works” in successful businesses, (including your own), you expand the scope of what you notice, learn and apply from what works, your business grows, your confidence soars, and your stress disappears.

Heres a list of areas that I find most business owners need to pay extra attention to:

  1. Your Audience – Knowing your audience and their needs and being able to articulate it
  2. Your Promise to Your Audience – Knowing what you’re promising your audience that they are actually willing to invest into
  3. Your Business Model – Figuring out the optimal way to set up the packages, offerings, and money flow in your business
  4. Your Marketing Flow – Understanding and optimizing the entire flow of how you attract and retain clients
  5. Your Team – Continually finding ways for you to do what you love, and let others take care of the rest
  6. Your Systems – Creating ways to get great results EVERY time (no more needing to constantly reinventing the wheel)
  7. Your Self – Total commitment to mastery in your areas of expertise including knowing yourself and getting better at being YOU

It’s not always easy to notice NEW POSSIBILITIES in each of these areas.  And it certainly is not easy to commit to devoting time and energy to working ON your business in this way.  Yet, the more you pay attention, and the more you can see your business with new eyes, the more your business expands to include new opportunities for increased revenue, better teams, greater partnerships and making more of a difference.

So let me know in the comments below – what is one area that needs more attention in your business?  How can the perception principle help you focus on this area?


Are You Sabotaging Your Sales Conversations?

As a business coach, I get a LOT of questions from very diverse business owners.

One of the most frequent questions is this:
“Im very good at what I do! so why aren’t people hiring me?”

Is this happening with you?

If so, I am going to share with you three of the biggest mistakes people make when they are having an enrollment conversation with potential clients.
(By the way, “enrollment conversation” is another way of saying “initial consultation” or “sales conversation”)

MISTAKE #1 – Promoting your services before your potential client gets clear on what they REALLY want.
The consultation is about your potential clients and their needs, and not about you. So be sure to take a substantial part of your consultation to ask questions to understand you potential clients needs before you offer solutions.

When you understand their deepest wants and needs – and I mean whats keeping them up at night – then you’re in a great place to offer your services as a solution.

If you aren’t establishing the “Gap”, you’re going to have a hard time getting hired! The “Gap” is the frustration that potential clients feel about the chasm between where they are now and where they want to go with their life, business, health, web site, etc.

MISTAKE #2 – Trying to solve the potential clients problem during your initial consultation. The consultation is not the time to help your prospect solve a micro-problem they are currently having.  Its an opportunity for them to see much greater opportunities for themselves and for their business and to establish you as someone who can help them close the gap.

Heres why this is a mistake. Often when you give them 1/20th of a solution to their problem, they think theyve already received the solution from you and go off to implement it on their own – without hiring you.

This is not the best way you can be of service to them, since their problem is only partially solved. And it will certainly not land you the client.

And this isnt just an issue for coaches – its often true whether you are a web designer, business consultant, healer or wellness practitioner, professional organizer, etc.

MISTAKE #3 – Not using a consistent system for your enrollment conversation.
When you’re having a conversation with a potential client about working together, is it something you do spontaneously, without a script or agenda? Does it feel kind of random, and you’re uncertain if your conversation is going to work? You may even feel like the conversation with your potential client is going well, but then they don’t hire you. And you don’t why.

If this is the case, I have to ask you, do you have a “system” that you are using in every sales conversation?

I am not a systematic guy by nature.  In fact, I have often been allergic to systems.

But after a while, I couldnt deny that when I developed a system for enrolling clients during a one-on-one consultation, used it every time, continually made it better – the results spoke for themselves. My results jumped from a 0% success rate to a place where now 80% of prospective clients hire me.

If you are making one or all of these mistakes in your enrollment consultations, don’t despair!

Just make a conscious effort to change how you’re approaching your clients and holding these conversations.

And consider learning a more systematic approach to having enrollment conversations, such as my “Master of Enrollment” program.
Before you know it you these conversations will flow with ease, and you’ll allow new clients to say “yes” to you.