The Big Shift is a podcast, a community, and a movement. It is our aim to help those who want to make a difference, have success in carrying out their mission. The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart-centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.

We will help you get there by sharing with you the best marketing, sales/enrollment and mindset practices known to humankind today… All of these practices are tested and come from the people who are the very best at utilizing and teaching them. These will be some of the most extraordinary people on this planet. Get ready for your Big Shift!

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We will be performing a system maintenance and database upgrade on Saturday, May 28th 12 midnight to 4am PST.

My magical wedding (pictures inside)

I want to share something with you that’s raw, beautiful and

I got engaged to Gia about 4 years ago.  Right after that we
both visited my parents in New Jersey to tell them the good
news. We were already starting to plan the wedding and
were totally excited by it.

Then all of our plans were abruptly halted.

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Answers From The Mailbag

This week I’m answering one of the burning questions I’ve received from newsletter subscribers and clients. Let me know what you think in the comments below!


Hi Bill,

My major question is this: when I’m at a networking event, I get challenged by answering the question, “What do you do?” Every time I answer by saying “I’m an executive coach”, it doesn’t work very well. How can I change the way I introduce myself to people? (Because once I get into a good discussion, I’m able to successfully offer a consultation.)


This is a really good question –  it’s an important one.

Executive coach doesn’t mean anything to most people. And even if it does, it will mean what they think it means and not necessarily what you want it to.

So I’ll show you how to say “what you do” in a way that will entice people to want to know more. Because really, that’s the reaction that we want.

So compare the these two answers to “What do you do?”

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What An Experience It Was!

Hi, It’s Bill,

I’m delighted that people are still buzzing from our Big Shift Experience Live 2013!   It’s incredible what you can create from having more than 400 people that are all there to make a difference in the world.

They learned what works to add revenue to your business in 2013.

They laughed and had amazing fun.

And they left utterly transformed.

If you weren’t there, my 3 roving reporter contest winners are here to bring the Big Shifts directly to you.

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Do you know the missing link?

I want to take you back in time 7 years…(cue time machine)

I was going through a rough stretch when I was working too
much and I was feeling anxious about getting it all done.
On top of it, I was nervous about being able to make enough
money for me to live on.I felt desperate and living my life
in fear.

So when it got really tough, what did I do?

I worked harder.  I pushed.  I tried.  I was putting in even
longer hours….

because that’s what it takes to create success.  Right?

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How to mesmerize your clients?

I was hanging out with my wife this past weekend in the kitchen of our new home and listening to music. There is nothing better than spending some time with someone you love on a sunny morning with nothing to do and nowhere else to be.

Then a song comes on one of my Pandora radio stations and I was mesmerized. It sounded like the most beautiful creation I have ever heard. And then out of nowhere I just started crying as if something long forgotten just got touched. I was touched that deeply by the beauty of the music.

The song was Bella Luna by Jason Mraz. And it got me thinking that when we create something from some deep place inside of ourselves, other people can feel it and it creates a magical effect.

So how does this relate to being in business?

Jason Mraz dug deep into who he is and out of the depth of his being, he created Bella Luna.

And this doesn’t just apply to musicians and artists. This is true for business owners like you, too.

How can you dig deeper into who you are and simply share in a way that will have your clients and your target market be transformed?

  • You can write a heartfelt newsletter that shares your own experiences.
  • You can write a poem that will make a difference for your clients.
  • You can create an inspirational video that will inspire your audience.
  • You can articulate what you do in a way that will get across exactly who you are and what difference you make.
  • You can!

But what will you do?

Please share a way you will share yourself in a deeper way in your business.

Leave your comment here.