Many business experts and spiritual teachers advise you to figure out what you are passionate about and then follow your bliss. But if you want to build a business you love, that’s might not be the best idea in the world.
DO NOT Follow Your Bliss (surprising findings) | Ep. 77
How Do You Know if You Have What it Takes to Succeed? | Ep. 74
Do you sometimes doubt you have what it takes to succeed in business? Maybe you even wake up in the middle of the night worrying about it? Today, you’re going to find out why all that doubt is actually a good sign—and why you don’t have to worry anymore!
Ben Zander’s Secret Formula For Success | Ep. 70
Today I’m going to give you a blueprint for business success that’s unlike any other I’ve seen. It’s totally effective yet incredibly simple. And it all starts with how a pianist sits on his butt while playing.
How Artists and Athletes Are Smarter Than Entrepreneurs | Ep. 68
How to Design Your Business So It Grows Forever | Ep. 63
Would you like your clients to do your marketing for you…and thus ensure that your business just keeps growing and growing? Turns out, this is much easier to achieve than you think.
The Magic Question that Reveals Your Business Future | Ep. 61
There’s a question that has the amazing power to tell you what will happen with your business. Are you ready to ask it?